A good, scarce, lacquered brass box sextant by Elliott Brothers, London c1860
Box sextant constructed between twin plates in the form of a low cylinder, the top plate with maker’s signature and address “Elliott Brothers, 30 Strand, London,” silvered scale from 0° to 140° degrees with 1° and ½° increments, vernier to 30 arc minutes. Milled knobs to shipped mirror adjustment tool, setting key and telescope clamp, swinging arm mounted scale magnifier. Pin hole sight to blind, red and green shades with activation port and dust shutter to rear. Mirror azimuth and declination adjustment squares. Threaded drum cover/handle.
Condition: The brass case retaining most of the original lacquered finish with minor abrasions, some losses, the mirror generally bright with small points of oxidation, the shades clear but with minor chips to peripheries. Mechanically the instrument functions perfectly.
Comments: These box sextants are hard to find and the earlier lacquered patterns are rare. This one is in very good condition for its age. Elliott Brothers were only working from that address between 1859 and 1863, so dating this instrument accurately.
A good example of this much sought after instrument by a top English maker.
Dimensions: 3¼" diameter x 2" deep
Stock No: SX2075
Price: SOLD