Antique barograph constructed principally in lacquered brass, and comprising standard pattern 3.6” drum with seven day movement having platform escapement, serial no. “6330,” sun wheel mount similarly numbered. Captive key, lid.
The barometer having seven capsule pressure sensor unit with adjuster knob over, arrestor bar, the movement raised on four turned pillars over a short chassis marked “Short & Mason Ltd, London.” 4½” barometer dial, the outer part with standard meteorological terms, the barometric scale calibrated in inches of mercury with a range from 28 -31 divided to 1/100ths. The lower part marked “Rd. No. 428606.” Secured in a spun bezel. Blued steel pointer.
All mounted upon a lacquered mahogany plinth with frieze drawer and set on slab feet. The lift off cover with five deep-bevelled glasses. Ink bottle (later) with dipper.
Condition: The barometer completely disassembled, cleaned conserved, re-assembled to optimum, pivots re-faced, assembly balanced and aligned pivots re-faced, assembly balanced. Calibrated under laboratory conditions.
An exceptional instrument retaining almost all its original lacquer to brass work, minor points of oxidation to chassis adjacent to ink bottle, slight losses to cross beams, the dial with some signs of ageing/oxidation, though remaining remarkably crisp. The ink bottle a later replacement. The recording arm a Vavasseur bespoke replacement. Nib replaced. The bevelled lights with minor marks. The clockwork overhauled.
Comments: This instrument appeared in essentially two patterns. The basic model, though mechanically very similar to the one offered here, lacked the barometer dial and was by far the most prolific instrument from this period – it was a really very good instrument in all respects (so good in fact that it was made under licence by Negretti & Zambra). Those with barometer dials are really quite hard to find and were evidently made in far fewer numbers. They are though, perhaps, the most popular of all these instruments, including those by all other makers. This popularity stems particularly from the excellent aesthetic values – it is a very good looking instrument with excellent visual balance.
Capable of very respectable levels of resolution, this instrument having passed through the Vavasseur workshop and been signed off for sale.
Dimensions: 14″ wide x 8″ high x 8¼” deep
Stock No: BG1692
Price: SOLD