Drum Microbarograph by Casella – SOLD
Drum microbarograph having substantial lacquered brass mechanism raised on four turned pillars, half length chassis with maker’s plate marked “Casella London, Made in England” and arrestor bar. Compensation wheel to cross beam, swinging gate arm, sylphon pattern pressure sensing capsule. 5½” diameter drum recorder marked “7D” (seven day drum), type “R8D,” and “Gluck Barograph & Recorder Co Ltd.” Regulation lever with sliding cover and captive winding key.
The whole mounted on a blue hammerite finished cast iron base, having cover guides to the corners and raised on protective feet, set below a five glass iron framed display cover. Chassis mounted chart marking lever. Original ink bottle.
An attractive vintage microbarograph remaining in absolutely untouched condition, retaining almost all original lacquer to movement and finish to case and base. Fully serviced, encompassing a complete strip down and rebuild, special attention having been paid to pivots and alignment. Working well, and producing a very detailed trace.
Though not yet an antique, this microbarograph – the word ‘micro’ is misleading as the instrument is actually rather larger than a standard barograph and thus produces a more detailed ‘micro’ trace – offers not only practical function but an aesthetically pleasing addition to any home. Ideal for the holiday home by the sea!
Dimensions: 15½” long x 10” high x 9” deep
Stock No: BG0593
Price: SOLD