Victorian Lacquered Brass Compass c1890 – SOLD
Antique pocket compass having 1½” silvered and die-struck quadrant dial with cardinals and inter cardinals, and stepped azimuth ring with stations at 10 degrees, polished steel bar needle with jewelled suspension, bevelled glass, decorated compass rose. Transit lock and suspension ring. Lacquered brass case of conventional pocket watch form. All contained within its original leather over wood, dark navy blue velvet and navy silk lined case. Button closure.
The lacquered brass case retaining virtually all its original finish, the dial with minor marks, the glass with a few, almost invisible, scratch marks. Leather case with some marks and abrasions, with good colour, crisp overall. Compass quickly and easily finds North. Locking mechanism works perfectly.
Compasses of this type, age and condition are seldom seen. This one has survived in remarkably good order and represents one of the better commercially-available compasses of the day. A very similar compass signed Negretti & Zambra has been seen, but it is more likely that both these compasses were manufactured by Francis Barker, the preeminent maker of compasses of the day.
Dimensions: 2¼” wide x ¾” deep
Stock No: SI0714
Price: SOLD