Tag: Vintage

Two Extraordinary Altimeters, and the Trail to the British Nuclear Bomb
Aneroid, Aviation, Barometers in Action, Conservation, Featured, History of Aneroid Barometers, Pressure, Restoration, Technology | July 24, 2023
Two Extraordinary Altimeters, and the Trail to the British Nuclear Bomb
Sometimes the most obscure and almost unrecognisable objects appear, and with all the interest in Christopher Nolan’s epic docu-thriller Oppenheimer,  I decided to put pen to paper. Some years ago I was perusing an online auction and came across an instrument I recognised as a barometer or altimeter made by Negretti & Zambra. Puzzling, though, was the scale, calibrated in...
March Work in Progress
Aneroid, Barographs, Barometers, Bourdon, Conservation, History of Aneroid Barometers, Pressure, Restoration, Vavasseur Antiques - Antique & Vintage Aneroid Barometers, Barographs & Other Scientific Instruments, Weather | March 31, 2023
March Work in Progress
Another fascinating instrument from the storeroom, and at last I can give it the attention it needs. This Negretti & Zambra barothermograph was absolutely filthy, caked in dust and grime, and working to a point but not much more. Nonetheless, I could see that this would come good with careful conservation techniques. I always start a project like this by...
February Work in Progress
Aneroid, Barographs, Barometers, Barometers in Action, Compasses, Conservation, History of Aneroid Barometers, How do I repair an aneroid barometer, Is my barometer working, Pressure, Restoration, Testing Barometers, Vavasseur Antiques - Antique & Vintage Aneroid Barometers, Barographs & Other Scientific Instruments, Weather | February 16, 2023
February Work in Progress
Many might wonder what might be next on Vavasseur Antiques. “Work in progress” is a constant state, since almost all the items we offer are comprehensively re-built, serviced, and/or benefit from conservation. Consequently through-put is sometimes slow. This does mean though that the things we offer are ‘proper,’ as described, and as original as possible, not the product of the...